Monday, November 8, 2010

Tasco 5MP Trail Camera Problems

I have been using a Bushnell Trophy Camera since they came out and have often recommended the little camera to my readers. I bought my trail cameras with my hard earned money just like the rest of you so I review them just as I find them. If I recommend the Bushnell Trail Camera it is because it has performed well for me.

Just a few weeks ago I ran across a Tasco 5MP game camera on sale for around $60.00 less than the cost of the Bushnell. I thought since it was made by the same parent company it should be fine to take pictures at one of my feeders that was not monitored by a camera. I should have known better as in the saying you get what you pay for. The camera took about 6 pictures in one week. Thinking maybe the batteries were weak or the SD card was old I placed new batteries in the camera along with a new San Disk SD card. I reprogrammed the setup and I hung the Tasco right next to a year old Bushnell Trophy Cam. In one week the Bushnell took almost 700 pictures of all sorts of animals coming to the feeder both day and night. The Tasco took, if I remember correctly, seven pictures of the feeder, no animals and no night pictures. If I had not had the Bushnell there I would have thought that a hundred pounds of corn had disappeared into thin air.
After holding on the phone twice for over 30 minutes I finally get a human that tells me I must send the camera back and they will see what is wrong. After I got mad about having to pay shipping to send back a brand new camera they tell me they are sending me a pre-stamped sticker to mail the camera back to Bushnell/Tasco. Now I am waiting to see when this comes in and how long the turn around will be. I know that a company can have a problem or some product goes bad once in a while, but it really upsets me when a brand new product does not work. I always try to be honest and let you know of products good and bad and will keep you filled in on how this problem is addressed. Meanwhile I have to go buy another camera if I want to know what is coming in to the feeder this season. We shall see what happens from here. I will keep you informed on the progress or lack there of, Wild Ed

Recieved Prepaid shipping sticker late Saturday 11/13/2010 I will ship it out Monday 11/15/2010
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