Monday, December 19, 2011

New Barn and New Friends

As we are in the process of building a new barn on our place in Lampasas I have been spending a lot of time in the area.  We have had some land clearing done, a well drilled, electric lines put in, electrical boxes and breakers installed on the meter pole along with other miscellaneous expenses.  We have had the slab poured and actual construction has now begun on the barn.  Along the way we have made some new friends.  Last week I met a couple of great kids that have a passion for the outdoors.  One of my new buddies sent me a picture of a salmon he caught on a trip to Alaska in 2008 along with his recent kill of an axis doe back home in Texas, all pretty impressive for a kid just starting his hunting and fishing adventures.

Klein I hope you continue to have such adventures just remember to be safe in the field.  Also don't forget to be appreciative of your dad for taking you hunting and fishing as someday he will need you to take him with you on your adventures.  Wild Ed