Monday, February 27, 2012

The Best Relish I Ever Tasted

I have a friend, Chris, that has a green thumb. He says that he doesn’t but his garden is green and actually grows vegetables. He has giant artichokes and many types of greens including some mustard greens that will clear your sinuses they are so hot. Compared to my plants that lose their leaves and never produce anything he has ten green thumbs. He recently gave me some twelve inch plus Daikon radishes that looked like giant white carrots. Chris’s wife is talented at canning the produce that he grows and cans most everything that comes from the garden. They recently had us over to a group gathering where his wife, Sandi, put out a wonderful hor d’oeuvre spread of cheeses and crackers along with the best relishes and chow chows I had ever tasted. I was surprised to find that many were made with different radishes and produce from Chris’s garden. Sandi sent us home with several jars of the wonderful treats.

The next weekend me, my wife, my brother and his wife gathered at our country place for a work day. The girls packed a picnic basket with a wonderful lunch consisting of gourmet crackers, cheeses, summer sausage, boiled natural eggs and you guessed it, some of Sandi’s relish. The lunch was great after a morning of cutting and welding on a steel building frame and the fact that we were out in nature on a beautiful day made it that much more pleasant. We all agreed that Sandi’s Radish Relish was the one of the best we had ever eaten. To make a long story short I sent Sandi an email and begged a couple of her recipes so you guys could try and reproduce her wonderful relish. Be sure to file these away somewhere safe as you will want to make them over and over. I hope you enjoy them as much as we do, Wild Ed

Sandi’s Relish
Red radishes (pink relish)

3 cups radish

1 large red onion

2 tsp salt

1/2 cup sugar

1 tbsp mustard seed

1 cup vinegar

2 tbsp garlic

Mix together and boil for 10 minutes. Spoon into jars and water process for 20 minutes

Sandi’s Daikon Radish relish

1 pound radishes

1/2 pound celery stalks

1 cup sweet onions

1 red pepper

1/2 cup sugar

1 tablespoon mustard seed

2 tsp salt

Vinegar to cover

Boil for 10 minutes. Hot water process for 20 minutes

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