Sunday, May 20, 2012

POC Texas...Fishing has been RED HOT

I have been so busy fishing lately I have neglected friends, family & pets to try and get in on the fishing action in POC before the dog days of summer get here. This Sunday was no exception. We got out at 6am as usual and sunrise brought us 9 trout on croaker right off the bat. Little did we know those were the last trout of the day? The Sargasso weed was a nightmare and we had a really hard time drift fishing the jetties. You just could not get into the spots to fish as the weed was so thick. We worked all morning without much luck and finally decided to anchor up in some deep water. The croaker and live shrimp were not getting any bites so we decided to switch to sardines. That was the ticket. We caught 5 keeper reds, two keeper black drum, one keeper red snapper and one keeper shark. As you will see in the picture, I caught a decent grouper that was an inch shy so back in the water for another day. We also released several undersize drum, two sheep head, one flounder and two smaller sharks. I can't say enough about changing up baits and trying everything in your arsenal. Sometimes you just have to give the fish what they want! It is rare that they turn down live shrimp, but like today, it does happen. For those that are interested, we did see two large tarpon cruising the inside of the jetty.
Tight lines!