Thursday, June 7, 2012

Some North Dakota Birds (& Pie)

If you've never been to North Dakota on a birding trip this post will give you a taste of just some of the birds we see. Things like Virginia rail (above) and sharp-tailed grouse (below).

Male yellow-headed blackbirds sing their retching songs from every slough.

And drake blue-winged teal forage and float on flooded fields.

Marsh wrens send their chatter-scolds across the cattails, the sound often swept away by the swift prairie wind.

A shelter belt near an old farmstead might be the home of a pair of nesting Say's phoebes.

And American bitterns are fairly easy to see among the potholes in the coteau.

Some days are gray, chilly, and wet—but that never stops us. In fact the challenging weather makes it all the more sweet when you stop for lunch at one of the small ton cafes, like the great one in Woodworth.

Where they make amazing pies for their hungry customers.

Rhubarb pie is my favorite. I can already taste it!

For more information about birding in North Dakota and the Potholes & Prairie Birding Festival, visit