Monday, November 19, 2012

Central Texas Again Short of Rain

I watched three does run across what is left of one of the food plots at the place and they left dust trails.  My truck is covered in dust and dirt after a day working in the dry conditions.  The only thing left in the food plots are weeds and if it does not rain soon the weeds will die.  I hope this is not the new normal as our area is turning to desert.  This lack of rain is also hurting the wildlife as there is not much food and most of the shallow tanks are dry.  We are building another small water trough just for the wildlife and hope it will help some of them survive.  If you have the means to help out the wildlife with either food or water be sure and do so.  Even if it is just a little extra for the birds all will be appreciated.

We sat out on the barn patio the other night and marveled at the stars we are able to see when we get out of the glow of the Austin Metroplex area night lights.  While watching the stars were were serenaded by a pair of Great Horned Owls with background provided by several Screech Owls.  It was a wonderful way to end a hard day of work.  Get out and enjoy nature wherever and whenever you can, it restores your soul.  Wild Ed