Monday, June 3, 2013

Visitors to the Feeders

My brother was up at the place this week and changed out the SD cards in the game cameras at the feeders.  It is nice to see some new additions to the deer herd.  Some of the does are still showing and should finish dropping fawns real soon.  The bucks are in velvet and starting to show a hint of what kind of antlers they will be sporting this year.  An ageing gobbler with a long beard is hitting the feeder on a regular basis along with a hen.  We have not seen any turkey poults and are wondering if there was a hatch this year.  The jack rabbits, squirrels, scrub jays and road runners are daily visitors as they come for a hand out or to hunt the smaller creatures drawn by the corn and grains. It is almost as much fun as hunting to see what pictures we get of wildlife on the game cameras each trip.  I do a lot more game watching than game shooting these days so the cameras work into our game management nicely.  I thought you might enjoy seeing the pictures so they are posted below.  If you get the chance to feed some wildlife and help them make it through the summer please take advantage of the opportunity, Wild Ed