Sunday, July 7, 2013

The Ranch House, Drought and Wildlife Pictures

We spent the last couple of days up at the place working in the intense heat.  The heat is also taking a toll on the habitat along with the resident wildlife.  All of the flowers that came up in the food plots are now dried up and the danger of wild fires is very real.  We spent the morning yesterday putting out a new water trough and hooking it up to a well water line to provide water for livestock and wildlife on my sister's property.  If you need a water trough in a hurry I can highly recommend the Rubbermaid troughs and floats.  They set up quick and the auto floats keep the water level right where it needs to be.  We put some limestone rocks in the trough where birds and small mammals could climb out the trough if they happen to fall into the foot deep water while trying to get a drink.
My brother and I are both still putting out supplemental feed for the wildlife and we are having all manner of visitors to the feeders and water troughs.  We even had a very rare visitor this last week, one I have never seen in Lampasas my entire life, a porcupine. 


The house is coming along very well and it looks like we will soon be residents of Lampasas County.  I have been working the fences and trying to find a Livestock Guardian Llama to have for the sheep when they arrive.  Anyway you look at it there will be enough work for the rest of my life, not counting all the honey do stuff.  If it ever gets wet again I need to burn brush piles and start grubbing cedar as it is really taking a hold on the place again.  Do what you can for the habitat and wildlife, Wild Ed

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