Monday, August 26, 2013

Jena and Jodee Prepare the Food Plots

While I filled the deer feeders, patched fences and re-worked gates so that our sheep could not get out of the pasture my wife, Jena, did a bang up job of plowing the food plots on the place.  Last year we bought a 1986 28 horsepower John Deere tractor and fixed it up.  We put a new seat on it and touched up all the paint.  Jena named it Jodee and we use her all the time at the place.  She is not very big but gets the job done even if it takes a while to do anything. We will be planting oats, rye grass, turnips and clover for the sheep and deer to graze on this winter.  The plots look pretty good and we at least got the oats and rye grass seeded today.  We will plant the others later this week and drag the surface to cover the seed.  Now if it will just rain we might grow some food for the livestock and wildlife this year.  Wild Ed