Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Mindo: June 5 , 2010

Having dropped off the car with its new owner, Aimee and I continued on by bus to Mindo for the rest of the weekend, looking to finally ride the famous zip lines there, as well as to do a little birding. Sadly, good birding can only be found increasingly far away from town as it grows steadily both in population and popularity with tourists from Quito. Now, the once famous dirt road leading up to the Mindo-Nambillo Reserve is busy during the weekends with car and lorry traffic, and regional specialties like the Cloud-Forest Pygmy-Owl are rarely seen (I photographed this individual the following morning well outside Mindo at Refugio Pas de los Aves). An early morning or late afternoon along the road could still yield some decent birds though, such as the White-Throated Spadebill we found calling vigorously in the undergrowth and raising its yellow-feathered crest.

Notable birds seen: White-Capped Dipper, Crimson-Rumped Toucanet, White-Throated Spadebill, Torrent Tyrannulet, Guira Tanager, Golden-Naped Tanager.